Nutrition & Lifestyle

Visualization for Hockey Players

 The Power of Visualization: How Mental Imagery Can Enhance Hockey Performance

The world of hockey is highly competitive, so athletes constantly seek new methods to improve their performance. Besides all the standard practice sessions, there is visualisation - another effective tool that is frequently overlooked. This powerful mental technique involves the process of imagining oneself executing skills and strategies on ice successfully, which then leads to more confidence and improved physical performance. 

What Is Visualisation All About?

Visualization, or mental imagery, is more than just a fleeting thought. It’s a process that stirs the mind and engages the same neural pathways as those that are active when you’re fully immersed in a physical experience.

According to research, when athletes visualise themselves performing a task or achieving something, their brain sends impulses to the muscles involved in the activity, which creates a neuromuscular memory pattern. Furthermore, this pattern gets stronger through repeated visualisation, and that makes the physical execution of the skill even more effective.

How to Practice Visualisation 

In order to practice visualisation effectively, athletes need to mentally rehearse their performance in detail while placing special focus on important aspects of their game. 

This includes imagining the sights, sounds, and emotions that are likely to be experienced during competitions. 

Whether you started playing hockey at a very young age or you’re a late starter, this process is bound to bring benefits to your game. What’s more, repeating all the visualisations helps condition the body and the brain to execute all those movements seamlessly in real-life situations.

The Benefits of Visualisation

When done correctly, visualisation can build confidence and muscle memory, as well as minimise performance anxiety. Through mental rehearsal of success, sportsmen strengthen their determination to perform at the highest possible level. As a result, they are more likely to achieve positive outcomes during competitions. 

Visualisation Techniques for Hockey Players

Now it’s time to dive into some of the most useful visualisation strategies that you can employ as a hockey player:

Pre-Game Mental Rehearsal

Before you step on the ice, try to spend between 10 to 15 minutes in a quiet space. 

During that time, close your eyes and visualise the upcoming game. Imagine yourself stepping on the ice, feeling the cold air, and hearing all those well-known sounds of the game. 

Then, make a vision of yourself swift skating, executing perfect passes, performing accurate shooting, as well as strong defensive plays. Come up with different game scenarios and go through as many as you can. Make sure you include some penalty kills and power plays, and of course, the most important – see yourself succeeding in each of them.

Skill-Specific Scenery

Each player has a particular skill they are mostly interested in, and this is another aspect where visualisation can help. Think about a specific skill that you would like to improve, and it can be anything from puck handling to slap shots. 

Then, you should find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. From that position, close your eyes and do your best to vividly imagine yourself executing the skill perfectly. In the process, be as detailed as you can. 

For instance, make clear visualisations of your grip on the stick, the puck’s trajectory, as well as the exact movements of your body. Make an effort to feel the motions as if you were actually on the field, performing your best moves. 

Once you get the hang of it, practice the exercise daily, focusing on different skills each and every time.

Post-Game Reflection

Whenever you finish a game, set aside some special time that will only be used for reflection. During that phase, visualise yourself correcting all the mistakes that you may have made during the game and try to acknowledge them, see them, and celebrate them as powerful methods of learning. Remember - mistakes are beneficial if you use them as lessons. 

Soon enough, you will understand that this exercise is a great way to learn from errors and also reinforce all the positive aspects of your current performance.

Hockey is one of the toughest sports out there, and if you’re eager to play it well, you will have to dedicate a lot of your time and energy to practice. However, some aspects of the game can be improved through the power of the mind, and this is where visualisation comes in handy. Using the strategies listed above will help you use this incredible technique to your advantage.

kyle kokotailo hockey training
Coach Kyle

Kyle is a Hockey Performance Specialist who’s worked with hundreds of hockey players from Peewee to Pro. A former elite hockey player, Kyle earned his degree in Kinesiology before becoming a Strength Coach that specializes in hockey performance. Today, he runs Relentless Hockey where he works with players across the world, including pros in over 20+ leagues including the NHL, KHL, and OHL.‍

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